Silicone Comfort Wig Caps

      21 products

      21 products

      Grips, pins, glues, silicone headbands…the list of ways to keep your wig on right takes time, effort, and investment. But what if there was a wig that already took care of it? There’s no need for a complicated system when the staying power can be built right into the wig cap! Madison Hair Collection offers an extensive collection of wigs with silicone placed at key points through the wig - at the nape, the front, and across the top. Giving you maximum comfort and minimum weight to carry - those extra accessories can add up quite a bit!

      Not only that, but it’s extra time you have to take from your busy schedule to ensure your wig stays put. But not with Madison wigs. We’ve focused on your experience. It’s unnecessary to spend all that time pushing pin after pin into your wig. And taking them out again. Save yourself time and trouble by taking a look at our silicone-lined wig caps. Read More

      So Many Wigs with Silicone Caps!

      Our silicone wig caps are an extremely popular choice. They give you the freedom to leave the house without spending an age securing your wig! The silicone is gentle on your skin - so goodbye irritation! Often, the itch that comes from wearing a wig can be unbearable. As wig wearers ourselves, we decided to put an end to the madness. We shouldn’t suffer further problems, just to look and feel good, right? So, we combined ultra-soft fabric with smooth, but effective, silicone, to prevent itchiness and slippage and it's perfect for people looking for wig caps for alopecia.

      No matter your style, or ideal wig type, we’re sure to have something that suits you. Whether you dream of long, blond hair - or want to be a dark-headed temptress - our catalog has just what you need. Our range includes fully wefted caps, lace caps, silk wig caps and so much more. All with our expertly designed silicone wig cap grip system.

      And if you’re choosing one of our blonde updo wig designs - it’s simply a case of grabbing your wig and going about your day! If you’re in a rush, or just want to change your whole look as quick as a flash, a silicone-lined wig is absolutely the way to go.

      No fuss, no mess - just pure confidence.

      Choosing Madison Hair Collection's Silicone Wig Caps for Comfort and Convenience

      We aim to provide comfortable wigs that you can trust. We know the pain of sub-par wigs and just how disappointing they can be. Due to some genetic hair thinning and hair loss problems, we’ve been wearing wigs for many years - the good, the bad, and the less-than-stylish, shall we say? With all this experience, we decided that if we couldn’t find a wig that ticks all the boxes - we would make it.

      One of the biggest problems we had, was getting the wig to just stay in place and pretend it wasn’t a wig at all. Grips add so much extra weight - and can make your hair seem clunky. But wigs with a silicone cap keep your new hair neat and in place without any telltale signs. They can blend right into your natural hairline and, because all our wigs and topper wigs are made from human hair, it appears to be nothing but natural.

      No one will ever know you’re wearing a wig!

      We already have a wonderful collection of caps with silicone wigs from 22 wigs to stylish beanie wigs catered for all shapes and sizes are available. If you want to see what a difference some quality silicone and great design can make, have a look at these luxurious wigs today. Read Less